Digital insights to drive reliability

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What our clients say

“FitMachine sent us an alert generated by elevated noise in one of the generators. We jumped straight in to find that the air flow failed due to a faulty idler bearing. Amazing pick up on acoustics!

We replaced the idler bearing and fan belt, carried out testing, and returned the generator to service.”

General Manager, Resources

Power Products Distributor

FitMachine delivers real-time digital insights

into condition, reliability, and utilisation for balance of plant assets. Improve asset reliability and make better operational decisions.

Digital transformation in Energy starts with FitMachine

Don’t generate more data, generate actionable insights

Predict the future

FitMachine’s advanced machine learning technology allows you to adopt industry leading predictive maintenance processes.

Elevate your maintenance

Decrease downtime. Reduce time and money spent on asset breakdowns thanks to advanced predictions.

Visibility of your entire fleet

Know exactly how all assets in your operation are performing in real-time. Accessible anytime, anywhere.

Highly cost competitive

Reduce physical inspection costs, lower operating costs, extend asset lifecycle. And all with a as-a-service commercial model.

Energy companies around the world trust FitMachine

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