As a society today, we’re running a race we can’t win. Not because we’re not running fast enough, but because we’re going in the wrong direction.
Like horses with blinders on, we’re turning a blind eye to our surroundings. So focused on winning, on speed and success, we haven’t truly stopped and looked around at the cost.
Look one way and you’ll find that every 1.2 seconds a football field of forest is destroyed. Look another, and you’ll see how every year we’re producing billions of tonnes of waste. The fires, floods and disease wreaking havoc across our planet are mother nature’s cry for help. Our actions have caught up to us, so now we have no choice but to face it.
In 2015, MOVUS was founded with a mission. To preserve Earth’s resources. How we have done and continue to do so has been through mitigating the environmental impact of industrial assets.
Now, in partnership with One Tree Planted, we’re going to take on global reforestation.
It’s a widely known fact that trees are good for us, and the planet. They help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, regulate the climate and provide habitats to over 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity.
Trees give life to the world. We want to empower that.
Thanks to One Tree Planted, this is now possible. From this point forward, for every FitMachine installed, we’re going to plant a tree. Trees of all species, in locations across the globe.
Each time a FitMachine is installed and onboarded onto our MOVUS Dashboard, we are donating $1 to One Tree Planted to plant a tree. The trees are planted by local partner organisations and community volunteers in areas that have experienced deforestation worldwide.
Our vision is to plant a million trees by 2030. It’s a nice, robust figure. A substantial one, that if every business achieved, would transform the world into a much better place.
To truly make a difference however, we know we need to go beyond goal setting. For achieving a goal is only a momentary change. For us, it’s not about any single accomplishment. It’s about incremental changes. Getting 1% better every day.
Planting trees is only one step of many. Changing the world and the way we live is going to be hard, but we all need to take action. We hope by starting here, by helping support global reforestation efforts and protect biodiversity, we can inspire others to do their part too.
We’re proud to say that, as of now, we have planted over 2000 trees across Asia, Europe, North America and the Pacific, and we’re excited to watch that number grow.
If you’d like to learn how you can make your business more sustainable and join us on the journey, start here.

“We are thrilled to see the global reforestation impact that MOVUS is helping to create. From Australia to Iceland, New Zealand to The Philippines, the trees we’ll plant today will have a wonderful and diverse benefit for the environment, people, and biodiversity for years to come.”
Diana Chaplin, Canopy Director of One Tree Planted.